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What is the function of Neurogenesis?

What is Neurogenesis? ~ When a baby child is born he/ she has 100 billion neuron connections. so talking with that child in different languages makes it more creative and active. ~ Between the age of 1 to 13 there is higher capacity of learning things faster than any other person. thats why some parents keep their child engaged in different classes and things. ~ Any skill can be developed faster in this age group. after the age 13 the neuron production is less or get reduced. after that the speed of  learning  or learning different skills get reduced. ~ So to keep the neuron production stable or to increase the neuron production rate in brain there are few steps or excercises. ~ So basically Neurogenesis is a process by which new neurons are formed in the brain. ~ it is a process in which embryo is developiong and continues in certain brain region after birth and throught are life span. ~ the mature brain has many specialised ares of function , and neurons that differ in structure and

Success Story Of Elon Musk

☆Who is Elon Musk?

Elon Musk is enterpreneur and business magnate. he is the founder,CEO, and chief engineer at Space X. 

He is also the CEO and product architect of Tesla.

Elon Musk is one of the richest person in the world.

He was  born on 28 june 1971 in pretoria South Africa.

As a child, Musk was so lost in his daydreams about inventions that his parents and doctors ordered a test to check his hearing.

At about the time of his parents’ divorce, when he was 10, Musk developed an interest in computers. He bought his first computer. He taught himself how to program, and when he was 12 he sold his first software: a game he created called Blastar.

Every body wants to be as successful as Elon Musk.

Just like Elon, we too believe that ordinary people can choose to become extraordinary. Which is why we decided to research and publish this success story of Elon Musk. 

 As such, the aim of this page is to reveal key insights about Elon that will provide you with a better understanding of how he became so successful. If you want to be as successful as Elon musk so be focused at you aim.

And maybe, just maybe you’ll become inspired to do the same.  So, if you’re ready to start learning from Elon’s success story, let’s dive in.

He  attended  University for just five months in South Africa, Elon decided to move to Canada to attend Queen’s University.  But he didn’t finish his schooling there. In fact, after just two years, he transferred to the University of Pennsylvania to finish his schooling.  

 But getting through college wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows.    Elon financed his college education through a combination of scholarships, getting loans, and having to work two different jobs at the same time. 

 Fortunately, his sacrifice would eventually pay off, earning himself a degree in Economics and another in Physics.

☆Start Up of his career.

Elon Musk started an  internet company that he, his brother, and a friend went all in on.  The company took time to get off the ground, and in the interim, Elon was struggling financially.  Things got bad  at one point, that the only bed he could afford was the couch in their start-up’s office, and the shower and restroom facilities at his local YMCA. 

Despite all other problems , they would eventually find angel investors who backed the company, and clients within the city, and various big name news publishing companies like the New York Times and the Chicago Tribune who saw promise in the company and its useful city guide mapping software.  From this point, it was only a matter of time before they were able to sell the company to Compaq for $307 million .

☆The next step towards success.

After selling the company, Elon earned a $22 million dollar windfall, and would go on to invest the bulk of that money into his next venture, which was a financial services company he co-founded called 

 His luck had improved shortly after starting this new venture as they merged with the company that serviced  And just three years after starting up, merging it with, they would sell it off to eBay for $1.5 billion.

☆The big game played by Elon Musk.

With the acquisition of, Elon’s net worth would grow to be $123 million.  Now, at this point Elon could’ve retired early and rode off into to the sunset and lived happily ever after.  But that’s not how legends are made.  Instead, Elon would take a huge gamble and invest most if he newfound millions into two separate companies.  One of them was Tesla Motors, a fledgling automaker focused on electric transportation, and the other was SpaceX, a companied hellbent on commercial space exploration. 

Where most people would leave, elon leaned in.  He poured his money, blood, sweat, and tears into making both companies a success.  And his passion for design, engineering, and the future  have made  him successful on both fronts.

Tesla, is now one of the most valuable companies in the world valued at little over half a trillion dollars of $515 billion and SpaceX has made progress as well with a recent valuation of $46 billion.

Elon’s big game seems to be paying off.

That's why successful people become more successful because they never want to rest. They just want to work and work.

Never sit idle. Just keep are mind in thought process. 

☆Conclusion of Elon’s success.

Elon Musk’s success continues to grow as he endlessly pushes the envelope with Tesla, SpaceX, and the handful of other vanguard companies he has invested in and co-founded along the way.  

He never sit idle. He works a lot. And having a great respect for time. His one, one second is very very important. That's  why successful people be more successful because they give importance to time.

So, what’s the success secret to Elon’s enduring success?  Well, it must be said, that Elon does has above average intelligence, which has played a large role in his achievements. However, despite his intelligence, Elon excels because of an extreme ambition that is driven by his passion, and ambition that is backed up by an insane work ethic.

☆Some important key lines.

Elon Musk’s achievements and life journey in general has a lot to teach us. We hope our Elon Musk success story has convinced you that becoming a billionaire entrepreneur is possible. His inspiring story should help you realize that you can also get on track for massive success. But more importantly, it should help you realize that your success can especially be found if you back up your ambitious purpose, with drive, passion, an iron-clad work ethic, and a fearless zeal for executing on those ideas.

So, follow these Key lines and be successful.

So what do learned from this article, that 

1. Never lose hope, if the bad time comes be calm, have self-confidence in you, the bad time will be replaced with good time.

2. Respect time. If you respect time the time will respect you. To be successful you must respect time.every second is important to be successful. Don't waste time in doing stupiditys keep your mind and your thoughts working on your goal and aim. You must think about your aim and goal 24/7.

3. Everybody gets successful if they have faith in them.


"Persistence is very important. You should not give up unless you are forced to give up."

I hope you liked the article, please support me by sharing it with your friends and do comment below.




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