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What is the function of Neurogenesis?

What is Neurogenesis? ~ When a baby child is born he/ she has 100 billion neuron connections. so talking with that child in different languages makes it more creative and active. ~ Between the age of 1 to 13 there is higher capacity of learning things faster than any other person. thats why some parents keep their child engaged in different classes and things. ~ Any skill can be developed faster in this age group. after the age 13 the neuron production is less or get reduced. after that the speed of  learning  or learning different skills get reduced. ~ So to keep the neuron production stable or to increase the neuron production rate in brain there are few steps or excercises. ~ So basically Neurogenesis is a process by which new neurons are formed in the brain. ~ it is a process in which embryo is developiong and continues in certain brain region after birth and throught are life span. ~ the mature brain has many specialised ares of function , and neurons that differ in struc...

20 tips to improve your lifestyle.

 20 tips to improve your lifestyle..

Every body in this world want to have a lavish and posh lifestyle.bit to have like that lifestyle we must work had and we must have faith in our self that we can have a best lifestyle. Few tips I will give if you follow your lifestyle may be improved.

1. Accept yourself.

The most famous quote " self acceptance is the birth place of all magic". Accept each and every thing of yours like your strength and weakness,your good habits and bad habits. If you will not accept your self the entire world will not ready to accept you. So first accept each and every thing of yours.if you accept your self you can make changes in your life. And by accepting yourself you will get to know that what is good in me and bad in me..

2. Love yourself.

Self love is second step after accepting your self. In future there will numbers of problems that will make you to hate yourself. If you will love your self the the world will love your self. There is one sentence that 'if you want to change the world first change yourself' same implies here. If you are feeling that I should be loved by everyone first love yourself.

3. Excercise 

Daily exercise is most important. It makes you fit. If you started accepting and loving yourself but if you are weak so how can you reach your success. So Excercise is most important. It boosts your immunity and makes you stronger. Daily Excercise helps you to remove your all negativity.

4. Meditation 

Let your soul relax. Sit alone at one place close your eyes and just focus on your breathe. It helps you to realx. It helps to increase your mind power. Due to meditation we feel relaxed. And full of positivity.

5. Letter writing 

Have you heard about Bruce Lee? He had written a letter on 9 January 1970 to himself and in that he wrote that by by 1980 he will be the biggest star of Hollywood. And he put that letter in his pocket. He use to keep this letter 24/7 with him. Due to Daily reminder to brain to be the biggest star of Hollywood this work was done by 1973. The magic of letter and power of brain. For more information on this check my article:

So Write a letter to yourself.

6. Remove the negativity.

Remove the negativity from your surroundings. For example a man is there who is giving bad words and not behaving properly just be away form him,he is the source of negativity. You have to be away from negativity. Negative vibrations just provide harm to your soul, negativity will be the obstacle to reach your success.

7. Be the member of good people.

You are the reflection of people surrounding you,so make sure that you are in contact with good people.

Good people in the sense, who motivates you to do new things, who tries to improve you not to de-improve. Just don't be with person who don't have value of your life.

8. Proper diet

You must take care of health. With proper excercise you must follow proper diet. Eating healthy food keeps you energetic.The healthy food habits will make sure that you don’t have interruptions in your life such as illness or anything else.As the food impacts on your mood, make sure that you are not starving or eating a lots of junk food that simply makes you feel not so good during your working hours. Unhealthy you can’t make your healthy journey to the success.

9. Gratitude 

Be thankfull to each and every thing which you have in your life. Develop the habit of showing gratitude, it can be to the waiter who served you coffee or to the God who had gifted you the life. Showing gratitude will make things easier.

If you will show gratitude all will love you. All will respect you. The nature itself will respect you.

Gratitude is most important thing to be successful in life, if you don't have the feeling of gratitude you will never be successful.

10.  make your own personality.

Craft your own personality; work on the each aspect of your life. Being successful isn’t restricted to just career, it’s about being the good as human. Learn about your habits and behavior, be your own critic and see what you are lacking. This will slowly turn you into the better version of yourself. It’s not the overnight miracle, it’s like the curving the diamond, it may take months but shine will last for forever.

Make your personality such that you should be the inspiration of someone. If you are the inspiration of someone you are successful in your life.

11. Have a talk with your loved one.

Talking to your loved ones helps to improve your self. Discuss your all emotions,feelings,your journey of life share all those things which you have faced in your life. 

This will help you to be bold. Just have a cup of tea/coffee with your loved ones. This cup of coffee is the most needed dose of happiness which your exhausted soul craving for!

12. Set the goal

This is also most important. If you are doing all things but you don't have a goal so for what you are doing all these things? 

If you had a goal in your life then you can say  that we are doing all these things to achieve are goals.

Goals! Mere walking on the empty roads doesn’t make any sense, the same with the life. Have some goals for yourself.  Explore your own way and choose the destination where you want to be. The success is the result of all the efforts you have made in achieving your goals. Set the goals for the small amount of time, so that it won’t vanished from your life. Set the purpose of your life! Why you are living just ask this question to your self! You must get the answer.

13. Be in contact with your mentor

There will be a lot of obstacles in your career and life so there must be someone who can guide you and help you to move to correct path in life.

 find a mentor, who can help you in figuring out the things, get few solutions and criticize you. This will put your improvement journey on the fast track. Having a mentor is just like the cream of your pastry, gives you the more delicious success recipe.

14. Improve the style of your work

Do your work with full focus and work with proper time table. Upgrade your standards. 

Don't work on anything just for sake of working.  Do that work where you feel happy and enjoy it while doing.

15. Respect time

Don't waste time. Time is precious so make sure that you are making the good investment of it. While learning the other skills you must learn the time management. 

If you had learned the other skills but not time management you will never succeed.  Avoid the things such as watching TV or playing the games or simply avoid the things that aren’t important or can be left over some other day.

If you respect the time,time will respect you. So just remember it.

16. Change your attitude 

Your attitude defines your nature and personality. Your attitude should be in positive way always. 

Every thing is possible Nothing is possible,like this attitude should be there.Your attitude towards the situations will decide that success should be on your part or not. The attitude will also affect the action –reaction abilities of you, so work on it.

17. Face the challenges 

Never be get afraid of challenges.if in life you have challenges then you are been getting ready for your success once your are successful after that you have to face more challenges. The joy of winning over fears is the treat to your soul. Face the fear, unless you will never understand that you can be your own hero!

Never go back in your life in the sense that you have to face a lot of challenges if you faced a lot of challenges you will be bold ,strong and more experienced and successful person. 

18. Accept the failure

Everybody faces the moment very he fails. Every person in this world had failed and then with that failure you must learn never repeat the mistakes. 

Accepting your failure, inspecting mistakes will definitely lead you to the success. Failure is the pathway to the success.

Every successful person had minimum  failed one time  in  his life.

19. Face the hard times

The life will not have only happy moments the life is of both happy and sad moments.

Everybody one time go in depression, feels sad, losts it smile, but its not permanent it's a very small moment, it goes away. 

You  have  to  face  the  problems  and  should  learn  things  from  it.

20. Enjoy  your  life

We  humans  get  the  birth  human  after  many  births   so  just  enjoy it.

Go  for  holidays  enjoy  it. Take  some  breaks  enjoy  your  life .

Spend time with family have fun  with  them  . Just  enjoy  your  life.

Please give my article support by sharing and writing beautiful comments. 



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